QUICK NOTE: Another WSJ-inspired blog post with a look back to Major Mercurial.
This morning I skimmed through some front-page articles looking for anything on energy exploration/exploitation in developing countries (check), the disaster that is Iraq (check), and the sad fate of Ukraine (check).
As usual the ol' WSJ didn't disappoint and even threw in a little bonus article (just for me!) in the A-HED column: "In Washington, the 'Me Wall' Still Trumps the Selfie".
Oh la la, I thought, what do we have here?!
The article discussed how many politicians and aides still prefer office walls adorned with photos of their greatest triumphs and meetings as opposed to selfies on that other kind of wall (who would even dare suggest that our Congressmen use Facebook?! Oh the gall!).
What I enjoyed most about this article, however, was realizing just how much farther Air Force leaders take the 'Me Wall' concept.
Said the average Air Force officer, "And you should too!"
Our esteemed leaders don't just have photos. No way! They have mini-aircraft and tiny tail flashes and ginormous swords and shit. Just copious amounts of SHIT all over the place.
Some even bring their wives in to arrange the plastic hunks of grey and blue throughout their office so that each piece is strategically visible while the commander hands out LORs and LOCs to the unit. A real feat I might add.
These walls always struck me as odd. Maybe because the first "I Love Me Wall" was Major M's and it was overwhelming. Everything was level and nothing had dust and it spanned almost twenty years of service. There were many a lecture that I missed because I was too busy trying to figure out the lame inside jokes on each of the placards. SERIOUSLY!
So what did I do when I began to accrue my own piles of stuff?
I put all my crap in a box and moved the box around. I still haven't unpacked it and I probably never will.
Photo: The "I Hate Myself" Box
What are the contents of the box you ask? Well, I threw most of the quarterly awards and annual awards in the garbage and kept only the items that really meant something to me: a paperweight from a great Senior, a wrench from the guys, a Paddington Bear from England, a Lochness Monster from Scotland (it's real, ok?), two tail flashes, and some Mighty Ocho stuff (because it's just cool).
So what's on my walls? Not my degrees, that's for sure.
Photo: A mighty rooster from France drinking beer. Entirely normal.
Photo: A collage from a great friend!
Photo: A stolen, I mean otherwise acquired, trail sign from UT.
Photo: A memory board.
And I don't hate myself (although, ironically, I am reading Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It by Kamal Ravikant), I just don't see the need to have silly crap all over the place.
DISCLAIMER: Don't remove everything from your walls because of this post; just know that everyone thinks you're a douche.
Thanks Bill!
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